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Parade of Homes in Utah ValleyThe Utah Valley Parade of Homes annual event captures the attention of home enthusiasts, prospective buyers, and industry professionals alike. Showcasing the epitome of design, elegance, and creativity, this event is a stage where quality and innovation shine through. Signature Marble and Granite has been an integral part of this prestigious event, working hand in hand with builders to feature properties that exemplify the best in design and craftsmanship.

Signature Marble and Granite’s collaboration with builders during this event goes beyond the typical contractor-builder relationship. It’s a synergy of ideas, creativity, and a shared vision of delivering something extraordinary. We have had the privilege of being a part of several properties exhibited during the parade.

Quality Craftsmanship

The company’s participation in this event emphasizes its commitment to quality craftsmanship. Being a contractor on these designer homes is no small feat, it requires a tremendous amount of skill, creativity, precision, and attention to detail. Our artisans exemplify these qualities by turning raw stone into magnificent countertops which become the focal point of many designer kitchens and baths.

In working with the builders for this event, our involvement begins in the conceptual stage. Builders and our designers understand the vision, providing insights into choosing the right stone, designing the piece, and ensuring that it will align with the overall aesthetic of the property.

The quality that Signature Marble and Granite brings to the table is not just limited to aesthetics. We also ensure the durability and functionality of our countertop and tile installations, abiding by the highest standards in the industry. We don’t just follow the trend; we set trends by pioneering innovative techniques, employing the latest technologies, and keeping abreast of the evolving market demands.


Signature Marble and Grantie’s participation in the Utah Valley Parade of Homes represents more than just a business opportunity. It’s a showcase of our craftsmen’s artistic capability, quality, and innovation. By collaborating with top builders and their tireless pursuit of perfection, we are setting new benchmarks in craftsmanship. Our dedication to both aesthetic appeal and robust functionality sets us apart, ensuring that we continue to be a sought-after name in the world of designer homes.