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How to Decorate a Kitchen Island Countertop

A white marble kitchen island with plants on top of it in a Springville, UT kitchenThe kitchen island is an extremely practical and functional element of the kitchen, but have you considered it as a focal point in kitchen design? Decorating a kitchen island countertop can help create a welcoming, aesthetically pleasing kitchen, but you need to be careful in how you style it. Too much décor and the island ceases to serve its primary purpose, while a dearth of ornamentation can make it look stark. Here, we offer some advice.

Tips for Styling Your Kitchen Island

  • Avoid visual clutter. Your island does not need to be filled, primarily because you will still want to use it as an island, where you can prep food and do other kitchen tasks. However, while keeping physical clutter at bay is a good goal, it is also wise to avoid visually cluttering your space. Keep your island décor simple, perhaps choosing just one item, like a striking piece of art, a statement-making vase with a beautiful floral arrangement, or a large fruit bowl full of colorful fruit.
  • Make a seasonal statement. On the topic of fruit and flowers, displaying seasonal produce and plants is a gorgeous way to bring nature indoors and embrace each season. If you choose a neutral vessel, whether it is a vase, basket, or bowl, you can keep it in rotation while simply switching the things that go into it.
  • Embrace the cluster. You have no doubt heard of the “rule of threes,” which encourages displaying things grouped in odd numbers. This is a charming way to decorate your kitchen island or counter, using items of different heights, shapes, and textures to create visual interest. Keep it to three items, though, to avoid making the island unusable.
  • Display your kitchenware. Use what you already have, instead of bringing in new items that can create unnecessary clutter. Pull out kitchen items that are attractive but do not get a lot of use, and turn them into a lovely display on your island. When you need them for a party, you can change your island centerpiece and put the kitchenware back into rotation.
  • Have a theme. Maybe you have a collection of items in a certain color, some hand-blown bottles, or some other decorative and coordinated items that you can display. You can also make items into a coordinated collection based on their color. Any type of similarity can make for an attractive grouping.
  • Create a corral. One great way to group items without creating clutter is to corral them. You can even group items that don’t have much in common by placing them on a tray to make your grouping feel intentional. This is a wonderful way to style your island, and a tray can easily be set aside if you need more space.

Call Signature Marble and Granite for a Kitchen Refresh!

If you need inspiration for decorating your kitchen, check out our Parade of Homes Gallery. When you are ready for a new kitchen, contact the team at Signature Marble and Granite for a free estimate, and we will send a team to you for a more precise consultation. Once we’ve installed your gorgeous new countertops, we’ll provide you with a one-year limited warranty, to give you peace of mind. A local Utah company, we take pride in helping you select the perfect countertops that you will enjoy for many years to come. Contact us today for your free estimate and consultation.