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How Much Overhang For Countertops?

A grey quartz countertop over a wooden cabinet and beverage refrigerator in a Springville, UT kitchenWhen a countertop is being installed, the measurement of the countertop overhang is something to consider. It will affect how the countertops and cabinets are used, so you must understand how much overhang your countertops will have. Here, we offer a guide to countertop overhangs.

What Is Countertop Overhang?

This is the distance from the edge of the countertop to the front of the base cabinets. It is a key part of the counter because it hides the junction with the cabinet and prevents spills from dripping down the front of the base cabinets. The overhang for your countertops can vary within a kitchen, depending on the counter’s function. For instance, it’s different against walls, beside appliances, and for bars and countertop seating. Having some overhang helps when you are working in the kitchen and need space for your legs as you move close to the countertop, and it’s even more important to have overhang distance when someone will be sitting, and more legroom is needed.

Determining the Ideal Overhang Measurement

As noted above, the ideal overhang can vary. The standard, however, is 1 to 1 1/2 inches. There are different types of layouts and overhangs, and that will inform the dimension. In general, however:

  • The front of the counter needs 1 1/4 inches
  • The side of the counter beside an appliance, 1/8 to ¼ inch.
  • There should be no overhang against a wall.
  • For countertop seating, allow 8 to 10 inches of overhang.
  • For a bar, plan for 8 inches.

Other Factors to Consider

If you are choosing stock base cabinets, which are typically 24 inches deep, a standard countertop with 25 ¼ inches will create an overhang of 1 ¼ inches.  Where your countertop meets a wall, do not allow any overhang, lest you create a useless, dust-collecting space. If you do not think a full 8 inches is practical for your bar space, you can reduce it, but only slightly. A bar overhang can be about 6 inches if people are standing, but you shouldn’t reduce it at all if you expect people to sit. Along the same lines, you can give countertop seating a larger overhang to make people more comfortable. However, if you increase it beyond about 10 inches, you will need to provide additional support through bracing. Anything above 16 inches will require vertical supports or posts.

Call Signature Marble and Granite for New Countertops

When you are designing your kitchen, it pays to work with expert kitchen contractors who can advise you on your specific questions about countertop overhang. For professionally installed countertops, contact the team at Signature Marble and Granite for a free estimate, and we will send a team to you for a more precise consultation. Once we’ve installed your gorgeous new countertops, we’ll provide you with a one-year limited warranty, to give you peace of mind. A local Utah company, we take pride in helping you select the perfect countertops that you will enjoy for many years to come. Contact us today for your free estimate and consultation.