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Stunning Porcelain Fixtures for Everyone in Northern Utah

Signature Marble And Granite makes custom porcelain fixtures from bathtubs and showers to sinks and countertops. Porcelain creates a clean appearance while being one of the more affordable materials. Custom porcelain fixtures bring a familiar beauty to bathrooms and make cleaning the kitchen a breeze. With our team of marvelous craftsmen, designing and installing a custom porcelain fixture is a delightful and satisfying experience for customers. We remove the stress of a build or renovation by advising customers and managing projects. At the same time, we team up with customers in a cooperative fashion to ensure the final product looks just like it did when they imagined it.

Don’t Overlook the Benefits of a Porcelain Countertop

Many people, including other contractors, overlook the benefits of using porcelain as a surface for a countertop. For most daily use, porcelain is comparable in toughness and durability to marble and granite. On top of that, porcelain is generally more cost-effective than marble or granite. It is one of the least absorbent types of stone, making it stain-resistant and nearly impervious to water damage. The smooth white or off-white textures create a fresh atmosphere in any bathroom or kitchen. The Signature Marble and Granite team has a breadth of experience fabricating and installing porcelain countertops.

Signature Marble And Granite’s Custom Porcelain Tiling

One of the best uses for porcelain is tiling. When choosing a material that will cover the floor of an entire room, budget is often a serious consideration. Porcelain works exceptionally well for tiling work. It is also among the most affordable options, especially after factoring its long-term durability into the equation. Porcelain also has a higher resistance to both heat and frost, making it a perfect choice for outdoor tiling. People often tile entire walls or backsplashes with porcelain. This approach causes a room to feel bright and opulent.  Whatever type of porcelain tiling a customer imagines, the Signature Marble And Granite team is ready to manage the project from start to finish.

Frequently Asked Questions About Porcelain Countertops

You’re not alone if you’re considering porcelain countertops for your Northern Utah home. This countertop material has been gaining popularity in recent years due to its versatility, affordability, and aesthetic appeal. While it may be more expensive than other countertop materials, its long-term benefits typically outweigh the initial cost. Experience the beauty and functionality of porcelain countertops and give your kitchen or bathroom a modern, durable upgrade.

Are you wondering if porcelain countertops are right for you? The Signature Marble and Granite team would be happy to help you weigh the pros and cons with more detailed information. Below, we’ve answered several frequently asked questions about porcelain countertops we receive from our customers. Should you not find the answer to your question, please contact us to schedule a consultation with an experienced member of our team. We’re always available to help!

Because spills are common in the kitchen and bathroom, many homeowners worry about stains on their kitchen and bathroom countertops. You needn’t worry about staining with porcelain, as it’s a non-porous material and highly resistant to liquids and cleaning chemicals. Because it’s less porous than most natural stones, such as marble or granite, porcelain will not stain as easily as other materials. If you have a busy household with children, porcelain countertops make a perfect choice.

Porcelain is a type of ceramic material made by firing clay at high temperatures. It’s renowned for its strength, density, and resistance to water and stains, making it an ideal countertop material choice. Porcelain countertops offer homeowners many benefits, including:

  • Durability – One of the main advantages of porcelain is its durability. Porcelain is a hard material capable of withstanding heavy use without chipping or cracking. This makes it perfect for high-traffic areas, including bathroom and kitchen countertops.
  • Versatility – Porcelain countertops come in various colors, patterns, and finishes, making them a versatile choice for any design aesthetic. They can mimic the look of natural stone or come in unique designs to give any space more character. Additionally, porcelain can be cut into different shapes and sizes, giving you endless customization possibilities.
  • Beauty – Porcelain countertops offer long-lasting beauty, adding value and functionality to any space. Whether you’re looking for a more modern or traditional style, porcelain countertops suit every aesthetic need.

Countertops often see daily use, making them susceptible to wear and tear, especially in a busy household. Porcelain is highly resistant to chipping, making it a durable option for your bathroom or kitchen countertops. It’s strong enough to withstand the weight of heavy kitchen appliances and resist damage caused by accidental impacts or dropped items on its surface. We recommend using cutting boards and trivets on your porcelain countertops to prevent scratching or heat damage. With proper care and maintenance, your porcelain countertops will continue to look beautiful for years to come.

Porcelain countertops can be found in most home improvement stores and specialty tile shops, not to mention online, through various retailers. When shopping for porcelain countertops, it pays to do your research and compare prices to get the best deal. Signature Marble and Granite makes shopping for custom porcelain countertops, sinks, fixtures, and tiling a breeze in Northern Utah. Whatever you need porcelain for in your home, our team would be happy to help manage the project from start to finish with our exceptional customer service and craftsmanship. Reach out today to get started with a quote!

Get Your Free Estimate and Consultation Today

Signature Marble And Granite


1195 Spring Creek Plaza
Springville,Utah 84663


Operating  Hours
Monday – Friday: 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM

Call Anytime for Free Estimate Scheduling and Questions
